seralu’s hues range from:

nickel titanium yellow (education and issues)

cobalt blues (work life)

prussian blue (friendships)

cerulean blues (family and celebrations)

cobalt turquoises (life and spiritual lessons)

viridian (art and issues)

terre verte (history and culture)

green gold (fun comical thoughts)

naples yellow deep (note-worthy and not so worthy personalities)

raw sienna (vacations, travel and nature)

alizarin crimson (internet finds, blogging and other forms of tech-media)

caput mortuum violet (research and knowledge)

transparent yellow (music, TV, stage, and movies)

permanent rose (health, fashion and living)

burnt umber (food and drinks)

scarlet lake (books, books, books)

payne’s gray (personal somber musings and rantings)

ivory black (personal favorites)

yellow ochre (random, thoughtless thoughts)

titanium white (home, love and heart)

…to french ultramarine (flashbacks and memories that can go way way back)